Presenting the 2024-2025 Season...

Con Brio String Quartet

Sunday, October 13
3 p.m.
This fine quartet is in high demand as a chamber ensemble. Their classical program includes Ravel's groundbreaking String Quartet in F Major.

LaLucha & Friends

Sunday, November 10
3 p.m.
This talented local combo joins forces with friends to bring us The Latin Side of Jazz!

Florida Orchestra
Brass Quintet

Sunday, December 8
3 p.m.
The finest brass players in the region celebrate the season with popular and scared sounds of the holidays.

Daniela Soledade, vocalist
and Nate Najar, guitar

Sunday, January 12
3 p.m.
Love and Bossa Nova: Swing to the sounds of breezy Brazilian tunes with this dynamic duo.

St. Pete Baroque

Sunday, February 9
3 p.m.
Playing period instruments, ensemble leader Dan Urbanowicz and colleagues bring us celebrated baroque classics.

Carol Rodland, viola
and Catherine Rodland, organ

Sunday, March 9
3 p.m.
SISTER'S ACT II: This team of talented sisters, who teach in two renowned conservatories, will delight with a program of solo and duo repertoire.